Beyond the soft palate



I’m 22, it’s 1981, I’m still living with my parents – GODDAMMIT! – and home from work, I hoover up my dinner, change and then jump in my car and head to Parramatta to see the band.

Some random dive of a venue, bands during the week, disco-shit on the weekend; dark, dank RSL carpet so sodden through to the underfelt each step threatens to suck your boots into the floorboards, tattered red flock wallpaper, tarnished silver trim fittings and mirrored columns, a semi-permanent haze of stale cigarette smoke and polyester sweat, I barrel into the room, all eyeliner and attitude and start straight to the bar for the first gin and tonic of the night. There’s about thirty people, the support act’s already well into their set and nobody’s paying them any attention at all, they’re just a momentary inconvenience to be endured for another fifteen, twenty minutes is all and I clock a couple of scowling disco dickheads in too-tight sateen shirts with collars the size of albatross wings and tight white flares buttoned at the navel and think, “The fuck are they are here for, they lose a mirror ball?”

I grab a drink, and after a few minutes my attention is drawn to the sound of what seems to be an argument over the other side of the room, specifically the words, “WELL, FUCK OFF THEN! GO ON! FUCK OFF!”, spoken by a girl in a Siouxsie Sioux t-shirt, leather mini and fishnets, the object of her ire some nondescript doofus in a duffle coat, about forty badges pinned to the lapels, who spreads his arms out at his sides, palms up, in a “What the fuck have I done?” gesture, after which both engage in a dumb-show of all manner of furious gestures for several more minutes until doofus trails off out the room dejectedly, leaving Siouxsie looking daggers at his shoulder blades, her head shaking in what appears to be exhausted exasperation.

Then the bass-player and his girlfriend and the singer in the band I’m there to see front up at the bar, the singer waves, shouts, “ROSS!”, and I say, “HEY!” and shove an envelope of a half dozen eight-by-tens I’d taken a couple weeks before at him, saying “THERE’S A COUPLE THERE I THINK ARE PRETTY GOOD!” and he takes a look, saying, “GREAT!”, and then he comes to the shot of his head and torso leaning into the microphone and bathed in fluorescent green light and says, “I LOOK LIKE A BIG SICK GREEN PENIS!” and we both crack up laughing.

“TAKE THEM!”, I say, because I don’t want to be dragging the things around with me the rest of the night, so he does, saying “SEE YOU AFTER!”, and the bass-player and his girlfriend and the singer all trail off to whatever passes for a dressing-room in this shithole, probably a toilet the size of a pencil case with walls covered in scribbly Texta scrawls of hairy testicles and vaginas and random phone numbers of random girls that not even the roadie for a drummer would ever consider ringing.

I get another drink, prop myself against a wall and wait for the band; every suburb, every pub, music almost every night, no fucking pokies, and the only television, if there was one, a dodgy black and white 15 inch with shitty reception on brackets up high on a nicotine flavoured wall, the public bar full of bandy-legged, sunken-chested old farts hunched over an infinite beer, rheumy eyes glaring redly and resentfully at the steady influx of all these pretty things, these dandy young faggots in black jeans and ripped shirts and stupid hair coming into their pub with all this faggot music, their slutty girls, and they’d punch them all to oblivion if they had a functioning muscle left in their sagging, sandpaper-skin arms and were only a few years younger, but they just go back to their beer, brains so soaked they can’t hold a coherent thought for more than a few minutes these days, back to dreaming of a fantasy blowjob from Good Old Cheryl, 48 years old, 30 of them spent behind the bar, they wish she could bang them about their hairy ears forever with her tits, even though her breasts have turned the size and shape of drained and dried zucchinis , yet all she ever dreams about is getting the fuck home to her cat and a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner, maybe there’s a late movie to lull her off to a decent night’s sleep, she needs a thirty minute shower every night to scrape the grime of the day off.

Support band’s finished, Sammy the light and sound guy has shoved some music on – LOUD! – Ultravox before Midge Ure turned them all into a flock of poncing romantics, some Magazine maybe.

I grab another drink, drain it, and then another, then the girl in the Siouxsie Sioux t-shirt, all spiky black hair and Chrissie Hynde pout walks over to me, a little unsteady on her feet and she shoves her face in my ear and shouts over the din of the music, “I’VE SEEN YOU BEFORE! WHAT’S YOUR NAME?!”, and I tell her, and she shouts at me, “YOU’RE COMING HOME WITH ME!”, and she prods me in the chest with her finger.

“WHAT?!”, I shout back, “WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?

“I’M LUCY!!”, she yells at me, “YOU’RE COMING HOME WITH ME!”, and she pokes me again, a poke with each word.

“WHY?!” I yell back, genuinely befuddled on account of I went to an all boy’s school and don’t have sisters and I’d only lost my virginity two years before, so whenever a woman spoke to me about pretty much anything back then, befuddlement was the most natural response I could muster.

“BECAUSE I’M PISSED AND I’M HORNY AND I WANNNAFUCKYOUTILLYOURHEADFALLSOFF!”, she shouts back, running all her words together, and poking me again with her drink.

“OKAY!”, I shout back with a shrug, because I don’t really know what else to do and I’m not looking for any trouble.

And then I hear the bass-players’ girlfriend shout “ROSS!”, and she ambles on over and shoves her face in my ear and shouts, “DO YOU WANT A COUPLE OF THESE?!”, and she pulls a blister-pack of pills out of her purse and shoves them at me, they’re diet pills, speed.

“OKAY!”, I shout back, and take a couple, and then Lucy shouts at the bass-players’ girlfriend, “CAN I HAVE A COUPLE?!”, and the bass-players’ girlfriend shouts “SURE!”, and shoves the blister pack at her, and asks her who she is, and she tells her.

“I’M GONNA FUCK HIM TILL HIS HEAD FALLS OFF!”, gesturing at me and I shrug, and then the bass-players’ girlfriend shouts back, “GOOD IDEA!” and then she shouts at me, “ROSS! CAN WE GET A LIFT BACK AFTER THE GIG?!”, and I shout back, “OKAY!”, and then I start to the bar and Lucy shouts, “WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING?!” and I say, “I’M GETTING A FUCKING DRINK!”, and she says, “I WANT A BACARDI AND COKE!” and I say “OKAY!” and I buy her one and bring it back, and then Sammy the sound and light guy comes over to say hello and do I want to take a look at the eight hundred dollar tape deck he’s just bought and I do so we both go up to the sound desk for a gander and he tells me all about it and I say, “I WANT ONE!” and then he asks me, ‘WHO’S THE GIRL?” and I say “HER NAME’S LUCY! I THINK SHE’S CRAZY!”

“GREAT!”, he says, “FRIDAY! YOU COMING?”

“OKAY!”, I say, and then I start to the bar for another drink before the band begins and go back up the front of the room and Lucy dogs me, asking “WHERE’S MINE?” and I say, “I JUST GOT YOU ONE!” and she says, “WHERE’S YOURS?” and I say, “I FUCKING DRANK IT!” and she says, “SO DID I! I’M FUCKINGTHIRSTY!” and I say, “OKAY!” and I wander back to the bar muttering “Fuck me dead!” under my breath and I get her another drink and bring it back and then the band starts, the buzz has kicked in from the pills, and about a dozen of us break out bustin’ moves on the floor so carefully studied in furiously uncoordinated finger jabs, jumps and head pops it makes Peter Garrett’s dance stylings look like classically choreographed balletic grace on mandrax.

Seventy, eighty minutes later, exhausted, exhilarated, soaked through with sweat and stone cold sober, the band’s done and I’m heading back to the bar for a drink when Lucy grabs me on the arm, spins me around and says, “I WANT A BACARDI AND COKE!” and I say, “OKAY!” and I go get her one, and then we have another and then the band come out, the singer comes over, says to me, “ROSS! CAN I GET A LIFT BACK WITH YOU GUYS?” and I say “OKAY!”; the guitarist and the drummer are going with the van, I get the other three and Crazy Lucy.

Down and out of this place and into the car, the roads are damp from a light drizzle of rain, I punch a tape in the player, turn it up and we go, back to the city, civilisation, fuck these suburbs, they all suck donkey dick, we’re young and we’re cool and we’ll all live forever and if our heads were stuck any further up our own arses our navels would flap each time we drew breath.

Bugger all traffic, I’m under the speed limit taking it easy, everyone’s talking, winding down, and the singer and the bass-player ask me what the fuck is it on the tape, it’s good, what is it, and I say, “Suspiria! The soundtrack, you know the Argento movie? They’re called Goblin, they did “Dawn of the Dead” too, it’s fucking fantastic this music, I’ll make you a tape!”

“Great!”, they say, and I say “Okay!”, and I come to a curve in the road, hell, it’s not a curve, it’s a gentle lean to the left, a nudge to the steering wheel, it’s barely even noticeable, and I come to it and nudge the wheel just so, and then …

Steering wheel locks.





The fuck?


My car begins to spin, it spins on the spot, it spins and spins, right there, in the middle of the road, it just spins, and this ain’t ever happened before, this is most definitely a new thing, and as open as I may have been back then to new things, I’m not sure that this is a good new thing – NO – it most definitely does not seem that.

And my car is a carousel and we are the horses, ‘round and around, up and down and around, it’s a night at the fair and the streetlights are firecrackers, fairy dust, fairy dust, who’s got the fairy floss, where is the lever, pull the lever, the lever, and if this is a movie, then where’s the director?

Someone yells.

And someone says, “FUCK!”

Then, “OH, SHIT!”

And, “HANG ON!”

Backwards now, across three or four lanes, up and over the divider, another three or four lanes, on the kerb now, the footpath, and into a fence.

Made of bricks.




“I GOTTA GET OUT!”, someone says.

“FUCK ME DEAD!”, someone else.

“SHIT!”, from another.

“MY FUCKING CAR!”, from me.

Everyone gets out.

I go around to the back, to the boot, it’s where the engine is, it’s a Volkswagen, there’s a dent is all, just a dent, but the brick fence is a pile of rubble, for this was when cars were made of COLD-HARD-STEEL, not the pussy-sucking tin foil they’re made of today, so that’s all okay then, and the singer and the bass-player and his girlfriend and Crazy Lucy are still trying to figure what the fuck just happened, and if it had happened only a couple hours earlier when the roads were crowded, we’d all be deader than Steve Fielding’s brain, but it’s one a.m. in the morning on a weeknight in the 1980’s and we’re alive.

“Mate,” asks the singer, “can I have a cigarette?”

“I didn’t know you smoked”, I say and give him one.

“Just for now,” he says, and everyone mills around aimlessly for a few minutes, quietly ejaculating various muttered expletives of wonderment and shock and surprise and awe and trying to pull our shit together, fireflies for stars, the road a greasy rainbow of damp, but we really gotta get out of this place, we gotta get out of this place now, before someone in the block of flats whose fence we just killed wakes up and calls a cop, so we all pile back into the car, what else can we do, I turn the key in the ignition and when it starts, the singer says, “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” and I say, “It’s a Volkswagen! I LOVE this car! You couldn’t kill this thing with a wrecking ball the size of Mars!”, and I tell him how the mechanic at the garage who did the last service on it asked me what the hell had I done to it and I’d told him, “Nothing! I bought it for fourteen hundred bucks at Flemington Markets in 1976, one owner!”, and he offered me two thousand for it and I just laughed and said, “No way, mate!”, and then I pull it back onto Parramatta Road and head to Bondi, back to the bass players’ flat to have a relax and a calm down with a bottle of gin between us all and a reefer or three.

(Yes, I know what you’re all thinking, and you can shove it.)

A bottle of gin and a reefer or three later and a spin of The Residents “Eskimo” album – limited edition white vinyl, gatefold sleeve, TAP YOUR FEET TO WIND!, it’s about four a.m. in the morning and Lucy says, “Let’s go, it’s late!” and I say, “Okay!”, and we take our leave and go out to the car, my killer of fences, and I ask her where I have to go and she says, “North Bondi, down here to Campbell Parade, I’ll tell you what to do!”

“Okay!”, I say.

And she did.

I’m very pleased to be able to report that while my head didn’t exactly fall off, it most definitely got a rattle on.

Just lucky, I guess.

(Cross-posted from Groupthink)


Here is a letter from today’s Sydney Morning Herald

How is it legal? My young family lives in an inner-city area in an apartment with a balcony. We recently celebrated the birth of our daughter who was welcomed home by our one-year-old son.

Not long after we got home, our upstairs neighbours lit up a cigarette on their balcony and the smoke from their cigarette drifted in through all of our bedroom windows and open balcony doors.

It frustrates me that smoking, a known health hazard is allowed in high density areas. This is particularly so when the smoker exits their apartment because they don’t want the toxic smoke to damage their property and smoke on their balcony only to have their smoke enter ours.

Over these hot summer days I’ve been opening all the windows in the hope that a cool breeze will blow through – instead every 1.5 hours we all passively smoke a cigarette, including my daughter who isn’t yet one month old.

With young children, passive smoking is linked to childhood illnesses including leukaemia and cot death. How is it possible that blowing toxic smoke in through a neighbour’s apartment is legal?

Lara Adams Chippendale

A most touching tale of family, an inspiring celebration of newborn life, and a heartfelt request for consideration and civility amidst the crowded chaos of contemporary urban life.

But … unless Ms. Adams’ upstairs neighbour is hanging upside-down over their balcony railing whilst having a puff, it behoves me to point out to the dear lady that their smoke will drift UP.

You silly, twitching little thrushbucket.


(Cross-posted from Groupthink)


Julia Gillard has L!I!E!D! to the people of this great nation!

A CONSPIRACY is afoot!

We are betrayed! The people are revolting!

Millions will suffer in infernal penury as a consequence, the remainder of their wretched lives to be spent sucking rancid spots of special sauce from the discarded wrappers of Happy Meal cheeseburgers, and Alan Jones is appalled, appalled, to have been kept waiting for an interview  with this Lying Red SCUM QUEEN a whole TEN MINUTES after it was scheduled and, by God in Heaven and Christ on the cross and all that is holy on this earth and on the blessedly fluffy hereafter, we cannot have that, no, we cannot!

What does she mean when she says one thing at one point in time and something completely different at another? What does it mean when this Vacuous and Vicious Vile Vomitous Vixen has the audacity to even think she may match wits with the magnificent specimen of manly man that is the marvellous Mr. Jones and keep him waiting?

It means this …

“I am a politician.

“Like every other politician on this earth, regardless of political party or ideology, I will lie to you, I will steal from you, I will profess to giving a damn about you, even though I don’t actually give a flying fuck if you all die of cancer, I will dissemble and connive, I will make shit up and you will believe it, I will engage in all manner of scare campaigns to appeal to the basest natures of those type of squealing fuckwits who listen to commercial radio and think “A Current Affair” is a reliable source of news, I will think you are dumb enough to fall for simple-minded three or four word slogans because you always have before, and that is because a vast number of those people that we, as politicians, represent, whether as a local member, opposition leader or government leader from any political party, a vast number of our constituents are simple-minded retards with barely a brain cell in their cranium, let alone a tooth in their stupid heads.

“Like every other politician on this earth, regardless of political party or ideology, I will profess to care for the underprivileged, the frail of mind and body, the sick, the dying and the diseased, and I will be seen attending events on their behalf and I will speak with compassion and empathy and offer, on behalf of myself and my fellow travellers, our utmost sympathy and understanding to them, even though, in private, we, all of us, regardless of political party or ideology, we’d rather they were all taken out the back of a woodshed somewhere and shot through their useless fucking heads.

“Like every other politician on this earth, regardless of political party or ideology, I will try not to be too obvious about any of this, and you out there, the great unwashed masses of unthinking tuckshop-armed bogans and bowlegged boofheads in faded beer and b.o. branded t-shirts whose entire lives amount to little more than flitting from one childish, paralysing fear to another in screeching outraged hysteria because you all have the attention span of a bowl of fucking goldfish and there’s someone moved in down the street who has a deeply suspicious tan, you stupid cunts whom I have to pretend to be one with, to suck on your fucking sausage sandwiches at some crappy fete in some flyblown bumfuck town every goddamn election cycle, you stupid cunts come election time, you’ll vote for whoever the fuck promises to line your pockets with a little gold, no matter how little or how much, because you think it’s all about you, don’t you?

“Well, it isn’t.

“Because I am a politician, and like every politician on this earth, regardless of political party or ideology, it’s all about me, it’s all about us, whatever name we choose to brand ourselves with, so fuck you with the sharp end of a stick, thank you very much.

“But what I won’t do, what I definitely will not do, like that other guy, and the ones who preceded him, like this guy, is kowtow to that fat cunt with a voice like a middle-aged castrato gargling sand who goes by the name of Alan fucking Jones and who thinks he’s the centre of the known and unknown fucking universe. Fuck him and fuck the gonorrhoeal donkey he rode in on.

“Because I am a politician, and like every other politician on this earth, regardless of political party or ideology, sometimes even we have limits to the things we’re expected to do in the course of carrying out our work.

“So you can take that sausage sandwich and suck the living fuck out it for all I care, darling.”


(Cross-posted from Groupthink)


“Can I see the manager, please?”

“What is it regarding, sir?”

“The mail I am getting. And the mail I am not getting.”

“And your name?”

“Sharp. Ross Sharp.”

“Just a moment.”

“Mr. Sharp, how can I help?”

“Here are two letters that were in my mailbox yesterday. They appear to be bank statements or something of that nature. They are addressed to No.24. I live in a block of flats that is clearly identified on the outside as No.20.”


“Yes. Ah. No.20. A 2 followed by a zero. Which is a circle. Or an oval. A 4 is three straight lines. One is a vertical, one is a horizontal, and one is on a slant.”

“I’m very sorry, I’ll take …”

Wait. I have been getting mail addressed to No.24 about a dozen times over the past twelve months. I came home once to find a bloody great parcel, a parcel wrapped in brown paper leaning against the security door of the block, the block marked No.20, and the parcel had been very clearly addressed to No.24. And there was another parcel, a smaller one, about a month after that. And then there’s the mail I have not been getting. Two credit card bills. An electricity bill. A letter from my parents. God only knows what else. Why? I do not know. This concerns me.”


“Yes. It concerns me. Because I need to receive mail that is addressed to me. A lease. A bill. A drivers licence renewal. Things that pertain to me, my life, my identity. You are aware of identity theft, yes? Of  fraud?”


“Yes. And I suspect Australia Post, if this is anything to go by, is responsible for about 80% of it.”

“Well …”

“No. Wait. I am not a complainant. By nature. I do not like fuss. I understand the potential for human error in any job, in any situation. I can understand that. But this is becoming a habit. This is becoming a regular thing. And I do not understand how someone can confuse a zero, which is a circle, or an oval, with a 4, which is three straight lines. There are no straight lines in a zero. How can that happen? How can that happen on a regular basis?”

“Ah …”

“Is the person responsible for delivering the mail in this area, is this person a moron? Is this person numerically illiterate? Blind? Or in desperate need of an optometrist and a new prescription?”

“Well, I wouldn’t say, I don’t …”

“It is not my intention to make of your day a misery. I do not wish you ill. I simply desire to receive mail that has been addressed to me, and to not receive mail that is not. This is a simple request. This is the primary business that you are engaged in, that you should be engaged in. This and this alone, not selling fluffy bloody toys and “Made in China” Macguffins designed to occupy the desk space of dickheads for whom “Made in China” Macguffins have some significance, whatever that may be. This should not be a difficult ask. So. The thing. The thing here is this. Whoever it is who is responsible for delivering the mail in this area appears to be a flaming halfwit. And perhaps it might be a good idea to reassign this flaming halfwit to organise the fluffy toy and “Made in China” Macguffin displays that do so clutter up the floorspace here, and have someone who is in possession of a full set of functioning brain cells to deliver the mail instead. Yes? This is a good idea, yes?”

“I’m very sorry, Mr. Sharp.”

“Yes. Yes. I can see that you are. I see that. Perhaps you may need to have a drink at lunchtime as balm for your woes, the woes that I have caused you, I would understand that, because if I were you, I certainly would because I would have the complete and utter shits by now.”

“I don’t have … um.”

“I need to leave now. I need to go to work. It is just that, on this occasion, after so many previous occasions, I felt compelled to bring this matter to your attention, as it is giving me the complete and utter shits, and I would very much rather it didn’t.”

“Thanks very much, Mr. Sharp.”

“Thank you. Have a nice day.”


(Cross-posted from Groupthink)


“We’re standing here in Christchurch amidst scenes of utter, utter devastation and destruction … You would not believe it, it’s like something out of a Hollywood movie, and all about me, the people of this beautiful city appear to be in a state of … well … all I can describe it as, is shock, shock and horror at the damage that has been wrought, distraught at the friends and family that are missing, that have been injured, very possibly dead … Just behind me, rescue teams, Aussies, Kiwis, people that have been sent from around the world to lend a hand are bravely searching through the rubble for survivors, trying to recover the bodies of those who may have been killed by this most horrible of disasters, and some residents are … well, I’ve seen so many who are dazed, bruised, battered and bleeding, and don’t really know what to do with themselves … I just don’t know how to describe it, you can see, our cameras are … Excuse me, sir … Sir … Were you in Christchurch yesterday when the earthquake hit?”


“Were you in Christchurch yesterday when the earthquake hit?”

“Yes. I was ‘ere. I was ‘avin’ a wander about, eh? I was ‘avin’ me lunch, eh?”

“And how did you feel when it happened?”

“Wot? WOT?! … How did you fink I felt? Eh? … How do you fuckin’ fink I felt? Eh? Like ‘avin’ a fuckin’ party? You fink I wanted to have a fuckin’ party, go for a fuckin’ dance, you takin’ the piss? You takin’ the Michael? No no no no no no no no no no no no, I’m not ‘avin’ it, that’s bollocks that is, that’s bollocks. What you think this is, the Wheel of fuckin’ Fortune, you just turn up for a bit of a peep about, make your dough and fuck off out of it, and ask a lot of stupid fuckin’ questions?”

“Bloody hell, I – ”

“Why you swearin’? I’m not swearin’, am I?”

“I –“

“Shut up, cunt. You got some fuckin’ neck, ain’t you, you got some fuckin’ neck. Who do you fink you are? King of the castle? Cock of the walk? Quite frankly, your attitude appals me. It’s not wot you’re sayin’, it’s all this stuff you’re not sayin’ … You really fink I’m gonna have that, ya ponce?”

“I didn’t mean to create a, a, a problem, Mr, Mr …”

“Logan. Don. Don Logan … Problem? Problem?! You’re the problem! You’re the fuckin’ problem, you fucking Dr. White honkin’ jam-rag spunk bubble, I’m tellin’ you, you keep lookin’ at me, you keep lookin’ at me and askin’ me stupid fuckin’ questions like “How do I feel”, how do you fink I fuckin’ feel, I’ll put you in the fuckin’ ground, promise you!”

“ …”

“ …”

“Um …”

“Shut up!”

“ …”

“I gotta change my shirt, it’s stickin’ to me … I’m sweatin’ like a cunt”.


(Cross-posted from Groupthink)


Over at Groupthink, Tongues ponders the benefits of a national dental health care scheme, The Greens, and killing a blind man’s guide dog

Every three or four months, I visit a periodontist for some maintenance.

For what seems to me to be about an hour, one of these sadists will scrape, prod, push, scrape, scrape, prod, push and scrape about in my cakehole with their David Cronenberg inspired instruments of oral torture until my toes threaten to dislocate themselves from my feet and my spine contorts and arches in a fashion that would be quite impressive if I were a trapeze artist with Circus Oz.

And when this treatment is ended, I stagger, sweat soaked, from Ms. Mengele’s horizontal chair of terror to the front desk of this little shop of horrors to pay my debt, to pay what I owe for the privilege of having suffered so.

“That will be $200.00 today, Mr. Sharp”.

“Eftpos out of cheque, thanks”, I reply as I hand over my card, and then I glance at the time and realise that I have not been there for much longer than twenty minutes.

That’s ten bucks a minute.

Fuck me dead, he thinks to himself in quiet awe and amazement …

Read the rest of this post at Groupthink …


Scott Morrison, opposition immigration spokesman, has a problem with taxpayers ponying up a little cash to pay for the funerals of those who were killed in the Christmas Island tragedy …

Seven survivors of the Christmas Island boat tragedy will travel to Sydney today to bury family members. Among them, Madian El Ibrahimy will bury his eight-month-old daughter, Zahra and Hussein al-Husaini will lay to rest his three-month-old son Sam.

Both men’s wives drowned, or are missing.

The opposition immigration spokesman, Scott Morrison, yesterday attacked the government for flying 21 detainees from Christmas Island to attend the Muslim and Christian funerals at Rookwood and Rouse Hill for victims of December’s horrific boat crash.

Family members of 12 of the victims live in Sydney and requested they be buried here.

But Mr Morrison said transferring detainees to Sydney raised security issues and showed the government ”doesn’t understand the value of the taxpayer’s money”.

Over at Groupthink, Tongues has a few words to say about Mr. Morrison, none of which could be considered particularly pleasant.


From the letters page of today’s Sydney Morning Herald

“… If you choose to live on a floodplain, or next to the sea, or in a desert in a global warming world then you should be prepared to accept the consequences or move to an area of lower risk. You should not expect your fellow Australians to bail you out every time a catastrophe occurs in what is now a high-risk environment. Such an attitude will wear the Aussie spirit thin” – Greg Watts, Narooma

There is a land, a land at the end of the rainbow, a magical land where the sun shines “just so”, a magical land where the rain falls “just so”, a land where all the rivers run just right, and the oceans never swell, a place of magical calm and order and peace and beauty where the winds never whip themselves into anything stronger than a sweet, cooling breeze, where the only fires that ever rage are the ones upon which we pop our “shrimps” at a weekend barbecue with beloved family and friends, and pixies gambol in the sweet green fields picking chocolate daisies as they la-la-la along on their way to make sweet, glorious love under the marshmallow mushroom cups beneath a fairy-floss sky.

And then there’s Narooma, where gobsmackingly stupid little ignorant bastards like Greg Watts live, the type of people who would think nothing, nothing at all, of leaning over a terminal cancer patient in a hospice and whispering in thin, weedy voices through thin, bloodless lips while their eyes narrow to mean little black slits and say, “Ya must’ve done sumfin’ to deserve it, so it serves ya fuckin’ right”.

Where the great Aussie spirit of which he speaks runs about as deep as a puddle of camel piss in the Saraha.

Let’s all move there, then, shall we?

(Cross-posted from Groupthink).


As per my previous post, I managed to calm down sufficiently enough by lunchtime after reading Sady Doyle’s piece at Salon about John Boehner’s push to redefine rape to put a few brief words together and post them at Groupthink

My penis has never been anywhere it wasn’t invited to go.

It’s a well-behaved penis, my penis is.

It doesn’t whip itself out at inappropriate moments and try to stick itself inside a girl just because a girl happens to be nearby.

That would be rude.

When I’ve been in a relationship, there were times when I’d felt like putting my penis inside the girl I was with and moving it around some, but the girl wasn’t up for it, so I didn’t. And sometimes, the girl I was with would want me to put my penis inside her and move it around some, but I didn’t feel like it. Sometimes, people would rather just get a good night’s sleep. Maybe read a book.

There’s some people though, they’d put their penis inside a woodpile and move it around some just on the odd chance there might be a warm snake inside.

Or a chipmunk.

I’ve never fucked a chipmunk.

How about you?

Read the rest of this post at Groupthink

UPDATE 03/02/11: Alternet’s Lauren Kelly on the Republican pro-rape movement.

UPDATE 04/02/11: Kristen Schaal with Jon Stewart on The Daily Show (there’s “rape” and then there’s “rape rape” and then there’s “rape with benefits” ).


Over at Groupthink, Tongues analyses the work of the Herald-Sun’s gibbering “bloodclot” (John Birmingham’s word) Andrew Bolt …

Australia’s most incisive investigative reporter, social and media commentator extraordinaire, Mr. Andrew Bolt, receives over O!N!E! M!I!L!L!I!O!N! H!I!T!S A! D!A!Y! on his supremely successful online media presence, the imaginatively titled “Andrew Bolt Blog”!

How does he do it, you may ask yourself, you may indeed, yessirree, you may!

Wonder no more, I say, for enlightenment is what I offer you fine people and gentle folks today! Roll up! Roll up! And walk this way! For an elixir for all that ails you is on offer this fine day! (Children under 15 admitted free! Hooray! Hooray!)


Read the rest of this post at Groupthink.

And on a far more serious note, prepare to get very, very, very angry …

Here is Sady Doyle at Salon on John Boehner’s push to redefine rape … “And every survivor who finds herself in need of abortion funding will have to submit her rape for government approval.”

I’ve been thinking of doing a post on this … creature (Boehner and others of his ilk, that is) , but I think it might be wise to put a little distance between my current state of rage and some of the words I’m sorely tempted to use.

Just in case I say something … impolite.

That wouldn’t be like me at all. Would it?


Over at Groupthink, Tongues tells the “economy” to go fuck itself (again), and also has a look at the “evil books that crazy people read”.

What more could you ask for?

Yes, you could ask for that, but you’ve got buckley’s, so bugger off.


My letter in today’s Sydney Morning Herald …

Shopping is not an act of flag-twirling self-sacrifice. It’s just shopping. Unlike our horribly hard-done-by millionaires, most of us have finite funds and, sensibly, will try to extract the maximum return in the form of goods and services in exchange for those funds. Sounds like common business sense, doesn’t it, Gerry? Nobody owes you another stable of racehorses.

Ross Sharp (Qld)

There’s about a dozen others and, judging by the general tone of them all, if Gerry Harvey thought he had a friend in the “average” (or otherwise) Australian consumer, he’s fucking barking.


Over at Groupthink, Tongue ponders the thought processes of Tony Abbott

Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott pledged today that he would spend the next twelve months thinking of things which he will then ask a whole bunch of other people to think about and then let him know if his thinking is worth thinking about.

“By talking to experts, both academic and practical, about how our policy ideas and political values might actually go, we ensure that if and when we do get to government, we have policies in place that are readily able to be implemented rather than ivory tower things or thought bubbles.” Mr. Abbott said.

Mr. Abbott said that his thinking list currently comprised thoughts on tax, welfare, health, education, national security, payments for stay-at-home thoughts mothers, pickles and other thoughts …

Read the rest of this post at Groupthink.


Over at Groupthink, Tongue ponders a problem and has a brainstorm

I currently have eleven pieces of metal in my pocket.

Two fifty cent coins, three twenty cent coins, three ten cent coins, a five cent coin and two one dollar coins.

It was exhausting just typing that.

I’ll probably have twenty pieces of fucking metal in my pocket after lunch.

We need to get rid of money.

Read the rest of this post at Groupthink


Over at Groupthink, Tongues proffers an analysis of the mystifying popularity of presidential hopeful, Sarah Palin.


It can happen to you …

Two guys make a fake trailer. They attribute it to Eli Roth. Quentin Tarantino is down as one of the Executive Producers.

Roth sees it.

Instead of suing them for false attribution, he sets up a meeting with the guys and decides to make the movie with them writing and directing.

And you can see why. The trailer is really rather good …

And on another matter altogether, over at Groupthink Tongue ponders today’s ABC report concerning the outbreak of World War III


Over at Groupthink, Tongues considers the curious case of Herald-Sun blogger Andrew Bolt and asks “Why is it so?”


From Tongues at Groupthink

In one of the most sustained and savaging critical attacks on the Government since the recent Federal election, Liberal Opposition leader Tony Abbott said yesterday that Julia Gillard’s gumment was shit and he don’t like it.

“They’re shit, and I don’t like them”, Mr. Abbott told Parliament during Question Time yesterday.

“They’re not stopping stuff, they’re not stopping enough stuff, you’ve got all this stuff going unstopped, and they’re not stopping it”, Mr. Abbott continued, “What’s the point in a gumment that doesn’t stop stuff, that’s what gumment’s are for, to stop stuff, and if we were the gumment, and we should’ve been the gumment, all this unstopped stuff that’s going on would’ve been stopped and stopped by us.”

Read the rest of this post at Groupthink


Over at Groupthink, Tongues attempts an analysis of the results of yesterday’s mid-term U.S. elections, the implications of a Republican held house for President Barack Obama, and where The Tea Party will go from here.

At Truthdig, Chris Hedges has an excellent column on the “phantom” that is the American left.

But for now, please enjoy this very special musical presentation of “Paper Doll” from The Mills Brothers and don’t forget to visit our candy bar during intermission …



Over at Groupthink, Tongues indulges in a little wishful thinking on a matter of advertising

A living room.

A young woman (20’s/30’s) sits on a sofa looking more than a little irritably “meh”. Her partner walks into view behind the sofa, gives her a quick kiss, and exits the living room saying to the woman, “Won’t be long” …

Read the rest of this post at Groupthink