Beyond the soft palate

Tag: racism



July 13, 2016, ABC’s “7.30 Report” begins.

An interview with Wyatt Roy, the youngest person ever to be elected to Federal Parliament, and the youngest ever to leave it, having served a brief and undistinguished term doing fuck-only-knows-what, and Roy is asked about the July 2nd Federal election that saw him pissed into political oblivion, and the Coalition of Reactionary Righteousness scrape back into power by a margin thinner than the wispy wisps on his chinny-chin-chin.

Roy responds with a squeak about the other side of politics, the Labor Party, and how its primary vote was the lowest recorded since the cessation of World War II, and how it’s not about him, it’s about them, what about them, not what about me, it isn’t fair, I’ve done my share, what about them? Leigh Sales, the host, has a giggly giggle at this, and it is at this point my mind wanders, my attention is lost, and I begin to muse on whether I should buy the 100cm Laibach belt, or the 110cm just in case I need a little extra breathing room and begin to fatten up some from all the cheap white cask wine I’ve been drinking of late.

Once upon a time, back in the day, there was a news and current affairs program on a Sunday morn where Laurie Oakes, a long-serving veteran of the Parliamentary press gallery and one of the very few, the miniscule few, deserving of a modicum of respect, would interview a political figure of the day, and do so for (wait for it) A WHOLE THIRTY MINUTES.

Oakes, an intelligent man and always well across his brief, was not inclined to suffer glib, facile answers from fools to questions of substance and, if he found himself in receipt of such answers, would oft maintain a bemused and quizzical silence whilst his subject would vainly attempt to fill the silence with all manner of limp verbal fappery and wind up looking a right horse’s arse.

Those were the days.

Now, in this, The Modern World, such programs and interview stylings have been replaced by infotainments hosted by fluffy people with fluffy smiles and fluffy hair who ask fluffy questions of political fluffballs who have no hesitation in revealing themselves to be horses arses, who’ve learned to live by hate and pain and whose lives have always been the same, and who happily don the mantle of horses arse as a badge of their individualism, their maverick spirit, their refusal to kowtow to “political correctness”, their outsider status, just saying what ordinary folk are a-thinkin’, doing what ordinary folk want a-doin’, freedom of speech and the right to have their opinion and force it down your throat until you gag and scream, “No! Stop! Please! Okay! Enough! I’ll suck! I’ll swallow! I’ll give your opinions credence and gravitas in the blessed name of all that is balance!”, and so we do come to a point where the ranks of our body politic and within our media play host to some of the dumbest, most ignorant, arrogant, loud-mouthed fencepost humping fuckwits that have ever been untimely spat from the womb of woman to walk upright on the face of this, our increasingly benighted earth.

That sentence has 203 words in it.

Count them.

No, not the words in the sentence silly bugger, the fuckwits.

There’s Eric Abetz, Stormfront’s favourite Nazi nephew, who, having maintained a strange and curious silence the eight-week election campaign (what is he doing in there, the neighbours wonder), has goose-stepped his way back into public view to talk about himself and Tony Abbott again and Tony Abbott and himself and will no doubt shortly progress to his favourite topics on how uppity niggers and faggots and women who fuck like rabbits but won’t make a man a baby are screwing up the planet for all the normal people, which is to say, the ones who hate uppity niggers and faggots and women who fuck like rabbits but won’t make a man a baby and have multiple accounts on Facebook under a variety of aliases so they can say as much all incognito like, a-hur-hur-hur.


Words, not fuckwits. Silly buggers.

There’s Peter Dutton who scraped back into his position as Federal Minister for the Institutionalisation of Child Abuse by about a thousand something votes and subsequently blamed his close-call on “union thugs” and bikies ringin’ grandmas in the dead of night to scare the shit out of them about possible changes to Medicare, because bikies don’t bike no more, they just want to scare the shit out of yo’ granmama and pa and threaten to break their dentures and stab their pets if they don’t vote right.

There’s Kevin Andrews.

I don’t even want to go there, I’m tired.

Cory Bernardi.

The cream of the crop though, the pick of the box, and, like Peter Dutton, Barnaby Joyce and some silly cunt whose name I couldn’t be bothered reminding myself of, all of them hailing from Queensland, Australia’s baby-rape-and-torture-p0rn white-trash-dick-pulling-pervert capital of the nation comes Pauline Hanson (again), a-screechin’ and a-screamin and a-hollerin’ ‘bout Muslims in her Vegemite, scientists who make shit up about the weather, uppity niggers and chinks, immigrants and refugees and fucking faggots with their gay marriage thing that will send us all hurtling into Hell, and any other topic that may suddenly pop into her addled, empty head whenever a microphone or television camera is poked at her so she can wallow in the sound of her own strangulated voice for a bit. Again.

All of these individuals, these political outliers on the ragged edges of reality, are aided and abetted almost daily by their shouty-sulky-sooky-squealy counterparts in contemporary news media, print (what’s left of it) and electronic, who insist we engage, talk with, and not at, rather than immediately dismiss their rabidly unhinged, ignorant and uninformed fantasies and conspiracy theories with slurs, sneers, or, Heaven forfend, actual facts, reason, logic and other so-called “elitist”, “over-educated” intelligence-based nonsense.


In the scant couple weeks following the Australian federal election on July 2nd, Australian media and current affairs, and the mealy-mouthed clacking trash who inhabit same, have largely ignored issues of policy in favour of getting down and jiggy with alleged O!U!T!R!A!G!E!O!U!S offences against their own poor, oh-so-soft-and delicate souls, column after column after column and commentary expressing shock-horror at the crimes committed against their gentle good names whenever they invoke the “right” to an “opinion” or their right to “freedom of speech” to talk shit about uppity niggers, bitches, faggots and rag-heads and get called on it.

Starting with Steve Price, a walking, talking shrunken ball-sack with eyes like two pissholes in the snow, who makes his living sitting on a high-chair in a studio barking at people down a microphone, got his spoilt brat baby-elf self all wetly weepin’ when Guardian columnist Van Badham proffered the controversial suggestion to him on ABC’s “Q&A” that perhaps men, grown men, should not make “jokes” on air about drowning women they don’t like, women who have the audacity to speak, resulting in Price thundering that he would not have his diminutive person be “bullied” and pushed around by some “hysterical” cunting bitch-whore like Badham while he was trying to interrupt her every second word on a subject and she most unreasonably refused to let him. The bitch.

Price, who has no talent or qualifications in life for anything other than barking at people down microphones on the radio, saw all this as most terribly, terribly unfair, and squealed like a miniature stuck-pig about it for the best part of a week after.

Van Badham, for her sins against middle-aged patriarchy, was subsequently inundated with all manner of abuse suggesting she be bashed, smashed, fucked in the arse and carried about like a bowling ball, apparently perfectly reasonable suggestions according to those men, bastions of civility all, who comprise Price’s audience.

Almost immediately after this not-so-private tête-à-tête, like Musketeers to the rescue, and to defend the unassailable integrity of their poor little bruised and bullied pocket monkey, came a few other middle-aged white males (mostly) from Rupert’s Media Comic Kingdom, men who no doubt also pine fondly for the days when a man could slap a woman and tell her to stay slapped and like it, and you could have a schoolboy snigger about “grubby poofters” without the sky falling in, M*A*N*L*Y-M*E*N-O*F-T*H*E-W*O*R*L*D like Andrew “Angry Pants” Bolt and Fluffy Rowan of Dean, the latter being someone who’s never let a fact go by without making it a fiction and vice-versa, and this shit did continue to constitute  “news” for a further few days, until some other shit took its place.

This other shit came in the shape and form of the aforementioned Pauline Hanson, triumphant, resurgent, and back in Federal politics for God-only-knows how many years to scowl at us all again with that horribly familiar demented demeanour of a constipated lizard with a rusty pot-scourer on top.

Hanson’s shit did also fly on ABC’s “Q&A” on Monday, in all its trembly, tremulous, pent-up and pig-ignorant glory, and it’s been flying ever since, and shall no doubt keep flying for quite some time, column after column after column and commentary yet to come, all of it focused on (a) should the media engage with and consider Hanson’s views as “legitimate” concerns, or (b) should the media take pains to refute, argue with, and dismiss her concerns using reason, fact and logic, where (b) automatically defaults to (a) anyway, and everyone still winds up talking about the silly cunt regardless.

Hanson, who proved on “Q&A” she wouldn’t know a Muslim if one was seated next to her, was joined and supported in denseness a day or two later by Sonia Kruger, another ageing Caucasian who co-hosts a “morning” program on a commercial television station which serves primarily as a vehicle for “infotainment” advertisements for weight-loss belts and Made-In-China plastic gadgets that will help you cook an egg and, quite frankly, if you need a fucking gadget beyond a saucepan or frypan to help you cook a fucking egg, could you kindly do the world and everyone in it a huge favour and throw yourself off the nearest fucking cliff.

Kruger admitted she had a problem with Muslims too because mother children scary shit trucks planes trains and automobiles boom everybody dies close borders please whites only.

The Project’s Waleed Aly then hopped into the so-called “debate” saying Kruger wasn’t evil, she was just scared, scared of scary people with trucks and plains and trains and automobiles and scared for the future of “her” country, as opposed to my country or your country or the country of that bloke up the shops, and we should all show restraint and exercise forgiveness and be patient and strong and start engaging with all these prominent, white and wealthy outspoken racists who have multiple opportunities across all form of media to espouse their intolerant and dishonest views and invite them in for a cup of tea and some lamingtons, maybe even friandes, because some racists can be really nice people when you get to know them, and how we should start nodding our heads politely when they start bunging on about fucking ragheads and uppity niggers and chinks and migrants and fucking faggots rather than telling them to shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of the fucking house before justifiable homicide becomes a really attractive option.

178 words.

Kruger’s comments (said she) were motivated by some creative typing from Andrew “Angry Pants” Bolt she’d read, or glanced at, or had read to her, and if ever one needed proof that contemporary mainstream Australian media is an infinitely self-referential zombie-snake chewing on its own bleached and distended rectum, that’s it right there.

These people and their Vaudevillian Theatres of Cruelty, fuck them, they are cunts and they are shit.

The likes of Price, Hanson and Bolt have now come to regard themselves as their own religious faiths, and to dare criticise, challenge, or confront their myopic stupidity is, in their minds, somewhat akin to fisting the Christ child, pissing in the holy water, throwing pigs’ heads at mosques, or insisting Auschwitz was nothing more than a holiday camp for wayward Jewish delinquents.

So enamoured are they of their own selves that, when the shit they dish out is dished back at them in any form, no matter how vicious, no matter how mild, they’re off like a bag of ha’penny bungers, like a fourteen year old boy fumbling its first sexual experience only to end up with nothing other than an embarrassing stain on his pants, and then saying, “Gee, maybe next time, eh?”, to which the girl (or boy) responds “Are you fucking kidding me? I’m out of here, you should stick to masturbation, I think it’s more your style”, and they do stick to masturbation because it is their style, one hand fits all sizes, fapping, fapping, fapping …


Bolt, who now seems to consider himself Australia’s leading expert on race relations has even begun to lend his expertise to analysing the roots and causes of the current racial unrest and violence within the United States of Murder and what better person to clarify that for us all than a middle-aged White Australian Dutch immigrant who lives in Melbourne, works for a tabloid, writes books that few people want to buy, and whose idea of “research” is sitting on his arse doing internet, and who has now disappeared so far up himself he’s taken to posting photographs his “readers” send him of his book on deckchairs by the sea.

What. A. Fucking. Tosser.

A curious thing about the so-called “silent majority” on whose behalf Bolt and Hanson et al have so graciously anointed themselves spokespeople, is they are rarely silent as can be seen by the reaction Sydney’s Lord Gladstone hotel received when it announced its plans to host a “Fuck Pauline Hanson Day” on July 17th whose aim, shockingly, subversively, and in a let’s fly planes into buildings terrorist kind of fashion,  was to “share some laughs in an all-inclusive, friendly environment for like-minded people who openly can’t stand the ridiculousness that is Pauline Hanson and her agenda”, eat chips and drink cocktails …


Freedom of Speech is all very well and good when it comes to illiterate and inarticulate backwoods white trash bumpkins from BumFuck out Back of Nowhere, as long as the “speech” you wish to be “free” with accords with their own, otherwise they start in with the rape-you-with-a-stick and kill-your-children death threats.

The “restraint” and “patience” we are urged to display toward these squawking racist shit-stains would appear to be, not just a one-way-street, but a dead-end, and you are most likely to be the one who winds up dead at the end of it if you so much as dare take the piss, confront or legitimately criticise their inviolable Idols of Truth, Justice and Popular Fascism.

Speaking for myself, as I can speak for no other and have no desire to, I would rather engage my head with a brick wall than give these purling, tatchy, gurt chonnting, zower-sapped yerring trash the time of day, and if I were inclined to give them the time of day, I’d make damn sure it was the wrong time, just for the fucking fun of it.

The type of ur-Fascism espoused by these racist numpties and the glumping thundercunts of mainstream tabloid media does not, to paraphrase Michael Rosen, drape itself in fancy dress, it does not speak of militias, mass imprisonments, torture, persecution, it wants to be your friend and give you a house and a job and clean up the neighbourhood, it wants to Make Australia Great Again and shake your hand, and talk about the necessity of “tough measures” and “difficult” but necessary decisions in the name of stability, peace, prosperity, and protection from the blue-skinned, lizard-scaled, parrot-beaked half-breed mutants from beyond, the dark forces deviously plotting to soil the pure bloodline and seed of the Great Australian Aryan, so exemplified and amplified by the flunting jawbations of yawping hoofwankers like Price and Bolt and Hanson and other over-baked media cum-muffins for whom too much hysteria is never enough.

147 words.

As one former editor of a major daily recently remarked, “Ten years ago, even five years ago, no-one would have reported the Sonia Kruger story. Not because we’d be trying to silence her; just because no-one thought that the random thoughts of TV celebrities could be considered news. It would be like making a headline from something an opinion columnist had written in your own, or another, newspaper “Opinion columnist has opinion””.

There are very few voices of considered sanity and opinion remaining within the ranks of our current body politic, within the fourth estate, their ranks thinning even as we speak, their replacements a tawdry gaggle of buzznacking grunts who, in lieu of reporting items of fact, now simply make shit up to fill the minds of fools whose morbid fear of intelligence, of the other, has now become a monster of appetites insatiable.

There’s Laura Tingle from the Australian Financial Review. Ross Gittins from Fairfax. Greg Jericho from The Guardian Australia. The occasional rare-as-hens-teeth appearance from George Megalogenis.

There’s Laurie Oakes, still going, still plugging away, and sometimes I do imagine him flipping through the “news” of the day, of the moment, and wondering to himself, gently pondering in quiet contemplation, perhaps even a manner of stupefied awe …

“What the fuck ever happened to actual journalism?”

Certain words in this post which may be unfamiliar to you are in fact words, and are taken from David Crystal‘s “The Disappearing Dictionary – A Treasury of Lost English Dialect Words”, a book I would encourage you to purchase.


There are occasions, mostly moments of boredom or lethargy, when a perverse impulse takes me to Andrew Bolt’s Blog With No Name, where I quickly scroll down the numerous items he posts on any given day just to reassure myself that, in this ever-changing world in which we live, some things remain soothingly constant and shall be so forevermore.

In Andrew’s world, the song always remains the same, scratched-up old-timey tunes blaring from out his battered bakelite and neon conservative cliché jukebox, songs of woe, calamity and fear, Old Shep has died and someone’s stolen the truck again. Barbarians from the wilds. Dark savages at the door. Murther most foul. They wantonly defile our most sacred, revered institutions and traditions, they spit in the face of decency, they that are “they”. These people …

The Islamists. The blacks. The ABC. Women.

A race war cometh. A clash of cultures and civilisations. The white race satirised, vilified, shamed, abused, and by whom? …

You shall see the Lord of Life and Death,
You shall see Heaven in Hell,
You shall be blinded by light,
You shall see darkness.

In Andrew’s world.

Not so long ago, just last year in fact, and for almost two years, Andrew was on top of his world, he was in, he was connected, he had the ear of a Prime Minister no less, a true insider with a seat at the table, the table of power, true power.

Do you remember?

Then it all fell apart.

Tragedy struck, and it struck Andrew hard. As it did Piers Akerman and Janet Albrechtson and Miranda Devine and Gerard Henderson and Greg Sheridan and Paul Sheehan and Alan Jones and their pain, their loss, their rage reverberated throughout the land, column after aggrieved column, anguished comment upon anguished comment, they spat their displeasure and disappointment, their hurt, upon every stage whose boards they took to treading.

“Rupert? Wherefore art thou, Rupert?”, whimpered their Great Leader, their Chosen One to His Master’s Voice.

Nothing could be done. Nothing.

Rollover Red Rover.

A vile conspiracy of smears and black innuendo, of monstrous abuse and ridicule, a remorseless conspiracy of Brobdingnagian proportions had been orchestrated by the collective brute forces of Stalinist savagery to fell their Most Beloved Man.

O most heinous villainy, the very oceans and seas themselves did swell with the outpouring of so many bitter tears!

Blood did fall upon the wattle. The blood of Tony Abbott. Former Prime Minister …

What are they going to say about him? What? Are they going to say he was a kind man? He was a wise man? He had plans? He had wisdom? … The man’s enlarged my mind. He’s a poet warrior in the classic sense. I mean sometimes he’ll… uh… well, you’ll say “hello” to him, right? And he’ll just walk right by you. He won’t even notice you. And suddenly he’ll grab you, and he’ll throw you in a corner, and he’ll say, “Do you know that ‘if’ is the middle word in life? If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, if you can trust yourself when all men doubt you”

For one brief moment in time, one fleeting moment, they were no longer mere observers, they were Players in The Game, with a tumefied swag of Glittering Prizes within their grasp, they were Kings and they were Queens, and they could’ve been Heroes, forever and ever.


Just for one day.

Where are they now?

Greg Sheridan lays a damp, cool cloth across the furrowed brow of his friend, a soft kiss upon the cheek to soothe his troublesome fevres, “It’s all right Tony, it’s all right, my friend”, and returns to his lowly position as foreign editor in a broadsheet nobody reads much anymore.

Gerard Henderson continues as Executive Director of a “tatty living room of a terrace house” called The Sydney Institute to regularly host “about 20-30 superannuated types who have driven their Daimlers over from Mosman for a nice talk and a few ports”.

Miranda Devine has taken a sabbatical from a Sunday night radio show nobody much knew she ever had, to “spend more time with her family”, and no doubt reflect upon the fate of her luminary paladin, her knight in tight red armour. Where once she did squelch, now there is only chafing.

And Andrew. Poor Andrew.

Andrew Bolt’s column continues to be syndicated in Rupert’s tabloids, and is still to be found just a few pages before the classified ads where you can find listings for young, busty Asian girls to satisfy your every desire, couples welcome. His show, “The Bolt Report”, television’s finest vaudevillian political comedy of our time awaits news of its fate and placement, possibly Sky News, because, well, everybody subscribes to Foxtel.

Don’t they?

Flow, my tears, fall from your springs!
Exiled forever, let me mourn;
Where night’s black bird her sad infamy sings,
There let me live forlorn.

Down vain lights, shine you no more!
No nights are dark enough for those
That in despair their last fortunes deplore.
Light doth but shame disclose.

Never may my woes be relieved,
Since pity is fled;
And tears and sighs and groans my weary days, my weary days
Of all joys have deprived.

John Dowland, 1596


Stand-up comedian/polemicist Lenny Bruce, 1963 …

“Are there any niggers here tonight?

Could you turn on the house lights, please, and could the waiters and waitresses just stop serving, just for a second? And turn off this spot. Now what did he say? “Are there any niggers here tonight?”

I know there’s one nigger, because I see him back there working. Let’s see, there’s two niggers. And between those two niggers sits a kyke. And there’s another kyke— that’s two kykes and three niggers. And there’s a spic. Right? Hmm? There’s another spic. Ooh, there’s a wop; there’s a polack; and, oh, a couple of greaseballs. And there’s three lace-curtain Irish micks. And there’s one, hip, thick, hunky, funky, boogie. Boogie boogie. Mm-hmm. I got three kykes here, do I hear five kykes? I got five kykes, do I hear six spics, I got six spics, do I hear seven niggers? I got seven niggers. Sold American. I pass with seven niggers, six spics, five micks, four kykes, three guineas, and one wop.

Well, I was just trying to make a point, and that is that it’s the suppression of the word that gives it the power, the violence, the viciousness. Dig: if President Kennedy would just go on television, and say, “I would like to introduce you to all the niggers in my cabinet,” and if he’d just say “nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger” to every nigger he saw, “boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie,” “nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger” ’til nigger didn’t mean anything anymore, then you could never make some six-year-old black kid cry because somebody called him a nigger at school.”

Federal Attorney-General George Brandis, 2013 …

“According to The Australian, the new Attorney-General’s first legislative act will be to repeal the prohibition, in section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, on behaviour likely to offend or insult a person or group of people on the basis of their race, colour or national or ethnic origin. It may seem an unlikely starting point, but section 18C attracted much critical attention after it was used in a civil action against conservative columnist Andrew Bolt for comments he made about numerous individuals of Aboriginal descent. The claimants won their case, leading Bolt to complain that his freedom of speech had been denied by the law’s prohibition on giving offence.

That view was shared by Brandis, who made no bones about his plan to amend the act should the Coalition win government. “You cannot have a situation in a liberal democracy in which the expression of an opinion is rendered unlawful because somebody else … finds it offensive or insulting,” Brandis said. The Attorney-General isn’t ruling out repealing section 18C altogether, which would remove the prohibition on actions that humiliate or intimidate people on the basis of race or ethnicity.”

Fifty years after Lenny Bruce first lay down the gauntlet, Federal Attorney-General George Brandis has so bravely and boldly picked it up and done whatever it is a person does with a gauntlet when they pick it up.

After years of foul and unjust oppression from the forces of the politically correct socialist left, very shortly Australians everywhere will reclaim their right to call black men “coons”, Asians “chinks”, and Muslims nothing but a bunch of fucking raghead terrorists.

Hooray for freedom.


Farshtaist? …

Australian Federal Foreign Minister Bob Carr on Margaret Thatcher

Senator Carr says he was “astonished” when Thatcher, dubbed the ‘Iron Lady’ during her time in 10 Downing Street, told him that Australia would end up like Fiji if it continued to allow Asian migrants in.

Senator Carr’s Malaysian-born wife Helena was in the room at the time.

“I was astonished,” Senator Carr told Lateline last night.

“Helena, fortunately, was out of ear shot.

“I remember one thing she said as part of that conversation, she said: ‘You will end up like Fiji.’

“She said, ‘I like Sydney but you can’t allow the migrants’ – and in context she meant Asian migration – ‘to take over, otherwise you will end up like Fiji where the Indian migrants have taken over.’

“I was so astonished I don’t think I could think of an appropriate reply. I think we moved on to other subjects pretty quickly.

Morrissey on Margaret Thatcher (my emphasis)…

The difficulty with giving a comment on Margaret Thatcher’s death to the British tabloids is that, no matter how calmly and measured you speak, the comment must be reported as an “outburst” or an “explosive attack” if your view is not pro-…establishment.

If you reference “the Malvinas”, it will be switched to “the Falklands”, and your “Thatcher” will be softened to a “Maggie.” This is generally how things are structured in a non-democratic society. Thatcher’s name must be protected not because of all the wrong that she had done, but because the people around her allowed her to do it, and therefore any criticism of Thatcher throws a dangerously absurd light on the entire machinery of British politics.”

Deputy Opposition Leader, Julie Bishop …

Ms Bishop said [Bob Carr’s] comments showed ”what a coward he is” for raising the allegation at a time when Baroness Thatcher was unable to defend herself. Britain’s first female prime minister died of a stroke on Monday in London.

”Bob Carr is rapidly showing himself to be incapable of performing the role of Foreign Minister with the necessary skill and diplomacy,” Ms Bishop said.

”The fact that he cast these slurs alleging racism and comments about Asian migration while he was on an official visit to China is further evidence of his unsuitability for the job.”

And (drum roll, please) …


This bastard act of cynical political bigotry …

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has assured religious groups they will have the ”freedom” under a new rights bill to discriminate against homosexuals and others they deem sinners, according to the head of the Australian Christian Lobby.

Under current law, faith-based organisations, including schools and hospitals, can refuse to hire those they view as sinners if they consider it ”is necessary to avoid injury to the religious sensitivities of adherents of that religion”.

Ms Gillard has met Australian Christian Lobby managing director Jim Wallace several times, and he says she assured him ”she has no intention of restricting freedom of religion” when it comes to religious groups’ legal rights to discriminate in hiring and firing.

… prompts this comment from Brian of Glenroy:

“The extremist Muslims will love to exploit this so as to incite things like refusing to sell certain meats etc etc because it offends their religion and ban xmas etc from schools, until, as Julia CREATED, bibles are banned because many conflict with others. As for gay issues having nothing to do with religion, in fact classified as a mental illness in japan. I don’t think gay marriage is even important enough for Govt to be considering when there are more other urgent important things to do. Take a holiday and get married overseas in places that do accept it and stop whinging. Govt WAS NOT CREATED TO TO MARRY GAY PEOPLE furthermore, it contravenes bibles that say gayness is a sin and the constitution that restricts Govt FROM INTERFERING WITH RELIGIONS. Julia needs to start running the country rather than get prisoners released, spend mass time on gay marriage, etc. I think so far she only created a tax on us called carbon tax, trying to think what else she has done in over 2 years hmmm. Any other exec would be sacked for lack of working.” BRIAN, Glenroy, January 16, 2013, 8:39AM

I had begun this post in a very different fashion until I realised (once more) that, just as you cannot argue with a stupid person, there is also a point one passes when making fun of stupid people just seems like a sad and empty exercise in underwhelming and self-congratulatory indulgence.

They’re stupid.

Their numbers are legion.

Take the NRA

… it exists in a footsteps-in-the-dark world of Wild-West myth and Cold War fiction, a knee-trembling siege mentality of curtain-peeking fear and shoulder-hitched tension, fingers forever on triggers, a government agent at the door – “We’ll be listening to you” – shadows moving in the night, loyalties fleeting, there are strangers in town, a sweat breaks out, gotta keep your wits about you …

… “Look, Mr. MacReedy, there is a law in this county against shootin’ dogs. But when I see a mad dog, I don’t wait for him to bite me” …

There is a Mad Dog in the White House.

Black Dog. Only attacks white folk.

Takin’ the guns away. Rapin’ the women. Killin’ the babies.

The angry black savage from Africa and the angry black savages’ angry black wife …

Colin Powell

“When I see a former governor say that the president is shuckin’ and jivin’, that’s a racial era slave term. When I see another former governor after the president’s first debate where he didn’t do very well, says that the president was lazy. He didn’t say he was slow, he was tired, he didn’t do well, he said he was lazy. Now, it may not mean anything to most Americans but to those of us who are African-Americans, the second word is shiftless and then there’s a third word that goes along with it.”

Now the nigger* wants to take the guns away.

Obama The Secret Muslim, terrorist trained in Pakistan, educated in a madrassa, his calling to bring a nation under Communist dictatorship, his message approved by the UN, and brought to you by Delphi™® mind-control techniques – “Now, with new added Delphi™®, you’ll never have to think for yourself ever again! Aren’t you glad you’re with Delphi™®!”

In minds like these lurks a world where the Bond villains are real, a saloon shoot-up is always just a spilt drink away, and secret organisations comprising darkly complected peoples in oddly decorated robes weave elaborate conspiracies specifically designed to rob 311 million people of their 2nd Amendment right to blow holes in tin cans with bazookas and then go home to pull themselves silly in sticky celebration of their mighty powers and trigger-pullin’ prowess.

Adam Gopnik from The New Yorker

“There has not once been a tyrannical government demanding armed opposition since we got rid of the British. There was, however, a rather famous occasion when armed radicals used their guns to attempt to destroy the democratically elected government in order to preserve their right to treat their fellow humans as property. The right to keep weapons in order to commit violent sedition has not, since 1865, really been widely regarded as a central American liberty.”

It is an odd state of mind which, in a long-established democracy, finds a perverse sense of moral and intellectual superiority in knowing, just knowing, that the primary goal of their country’s government and that of the current President is to oppress and enslave the entire population because the enslavement of 311 million people is such a joyful and appealingly constructive concept to entertain. Why, if he played his cards just right, he could probably pull it off with the stroke of a pen over a light lunch of tuna and salad and then go celebrate with a few hoops and a cigarette.

In minds like these …

Wayne LaPierre from the NRA

“The NRA is gonna bring all its knowledge, all its dedication and all its resources to develop a model national schools shield emergency response program for every single school in America that wants it. From armed security to building design and access control, to information technology, to student and teacher training, this multifaceted program will be developed by the very best experts in the field. Former Congressman Asa Hutchinson will lead the effort as national director of the National Model School Shield Program, with a budget provided by the NRA of whatever scope the task requires. His experience as United States attorney, director of the Drug Enforcement Agency, and undersecretary of the Department of Homeland Security will give him the knowledge and expertise to hire the most knowledgeable and credentialed experts that are available in the United States of America to get this program up and running from the first day forward.”

‘Cause all God’s teachers love handguns, handguns, all God’s teachers love Vel-cro vests.

In minds like these.

Amy Davidson from The New Yorker

“Will we evaluate teachers not only on their students’ test scores, but on target practice, with merit pay for mastery of semi-automatic weapons? Mourners at the funeral of the next Vicki Soto shouldn’t have to whisper about her aim. Or is the only good teacher the teacher who keeps a Glock in her purse, and knows how to use it; or the one who has a second gun on her so that when some troubled eighth-grader grabs the classroom weapon she can shoot down her own student?”

The earth is 6,000 years old. Man rode the dinosaur. Abortion causes earthquakes. Republicans for Rape. Ronald Reagan saved the world. Obama wants to destroy it. Radical homosexuals want to give your children alcohol and drugs and in-class demonstrations on how to mast**bate or get their wombs scraped. Sandy Hook was a government black-op exercise. Civil unrest is imminent, basic freedoms are threatened, clean your guns before they come and take ‘em and get ready for the big show.

Stupid people.

Like Brian of Glenroy back there at the top, one of a growing number of our very own home-grown halfwits, his every primal fear, his every gnawing anxiety about life on this earth at this particular point in time, spat out in 188 barely literate words that lurch from Muslims fucking with meat to banning Christmas in schools, the evils of gayness, mental illness in Japan, violent prisoners waltzing out of prisons, and the carbon tax.

The common thread between all being the face of pure, unconscionable evil that is Julia Gillard , Red Queen of the Underworld.

Understanding the motives behind Gillard’s ridiculous decision is baffling enough given that this is supposed to be a Labor government, a party that once prided itself on policies of social inclusion.

But understanding the minds of those – like Brian of Glenroy, like the NRA and their more rabidly unhinged adherents, like Republicans for Rape, like Andrew Bolt – whose entire worldview is a shadowy mélange of Chinese whispers, each whisper a threat, of gossip, innuendo, of covert operations in dank warehouses down Portside where strange men in hats and sunglasses come and go in dark sedans, where evil is a real and tangible thing and dances in the hearts and minds of all leaders and all governments all over the world – understanding minds like these cannot be done, nor should it, for if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into you.

And yonder that way the willies lie.

*Click that. Go on.


The most viewed video on The Guardian today is that of various lumps of Aussie bogan trash – abortions their mothers forgot to have – abusing a French woman for singing a French song in French rather than a few verses of “Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again” or “Working Class Man” in the manner of Pauline Hanson.

Media coverage of this sickening incident has been extensive over the last few days, both locally and internationally, condemnation of the behaviour being, (from what I’ve read and heard) unanimous …

These are the sort of irrational goons police have to deal with on a daily basis. Talk to coppers who investigate and charge the men who attack women and they will say that away from the pack most are pretty weak individuals.

On Tuesday, members of the Special Operations Group arrested Steven James Hunter over the murder of Sarah Cafferkey.

When they surrounded the Hawthorn flat and ordered him to surrender he immediately ran out and lay on the ground.

Then he wet himself.”

Yet strangely, and for a fellow who never misses an opportunity to do a few dog-whistling dance-steps on matters of other people’s race and racism, from Andrew Bolt, there’s been nary a peep on the matter so far.

Because in the wide, right white world of Whistler’s Motherfucker, Australian racism is a fable, and maybe these douchecanoes are just exercising their right to freedom of speech.

Yes. Yes, of course.

Shhhhh …


I’m waiting to cross the road.

As I do, I hear someone say, “You’d think it was bloody China, eh?”, and I look up and see a middle-aged man in tan shorts and long white socks, snappily pressed short-sleeve shirt, he’s looking at me, his fellow caucasian, and he nods in the direction of a single elderly Asian man wearing a traditional style of tunic carrying a couple bags of groceries …

It’s Brisbane on a Saturday morning.

And there’s no racism in Australia.


Yesterday, I briefly considered posting about the Liberal Party’s citizenship spokesperson Teresa Gambaro and her comments on funny-smellin’ foreign people who don’t stand in line proper.

And then I thought to myself (for I cannot really think to another), “I don’t really want to invest an hour of my time trying to lampoon the brainfart of a fuckwit. I have work to do” …

… for the IT people have fucked everything up again, and now I have six months of data to input into an obsolete database in the space of a week and a half in order to meet a deadline.

That’s my life right now.

You see, funny-smellin’ foreign people aren’t quite the priority for most of us most of the time, if, that is, foreign people are funny-smellin’, which I seriously doubt, for …


Unlike Teresa Gambaro, who appears to have fuck all to do with her day but make shit up and piss people off just so they won’t forget she’s there …

“Yoo-hoo!”, hollers Teresa over the back fence, “Remember me? I’m important! Listen to this! … ”


Not worth the effort.


Years ago.

John Howard’s war on refugees is in full swing, there are children in camps, the foreigners are muck, they’ll kill us all, and our very own blackfellas want to take our backyards from us and barbecue our pasty, pure white babies on the Weber.

What country is this?

The Sydney Morning Herald run an edition with a wrap-around cover featuring thumbnail photographs of the refugee children we’ve shoved into camps, their ages range from baby to teen, and I sit on the train to work, seething, looking at these pages and feeling like I’ve just been punched in the face.

I get to work, and fire off a letter to the editor, the first time I’d ever sent a letter to a newspaper, and they publish it. It was sent from another computer, I don’t have a copy, but it went a little like this …

“If my objections to the institutionalisation of child abuse in this country as a so-called “security measure” mark me a Howard-hater, then I’m just fine with that.”

… It becomes a regular habit over the next few years, this writing of letters and their occasional publication, not so much now.

But it’s the NOISE.

Every day it seems, some new loudmouthed halfwit slouches into view to proudly bellow it’s bogan pride at all and sundry, “We’re just sayin’ what people are ‘fraid to say”, which is, in essence “We hate niggers and we hate wogs and they should all fuck off and die and if they don’t we’ll kill ‘em”.

Alan Jones approves.

Stan Zemanek nods his agreement.

He’s dead, Zemanek. Brain tumour.

One night, all these many years ago, I’m standing outside the cinema complex in George Street, Sydney, saying goodnight to a friend after we’ve caught up for dinner, I hail a cab, one pulls over, I get in.

Two things strike me.

The driver, his skin is indistinguishable from the night.

And he’s listening to commercial talkback radio. Stan Zemanek.

Why, I have no idea, but it strikes me as … incongruous, to say the least.

Blah, blah, blah, goes this vile noise in the background, “Boats! Refugees! Terror! Illegals! What’s becoming of our country! Send them all back!” Blah, blah, blah, I’m not listening to this shit, I start talking to the driver.

Small talk. “How’s work?”, “Busy night?”, that type of thing.

He tells me he is from Somalia, maybe somewhere else, but some hellhole, and has been here a little while now.

I wish he’d turn the fucking radio off. The NOISE.

I ask him what he makes of this place so far. What is it he likes, if anything.

“The peace”, he says, “Very peaceful here. I like that.”

I have been given perspective.

“Very peaceful here”, he said.

I suspect he would know what peace is, this man.

The rest of us? Not so much …


From The Arab American Institute


The pointy hats are pointy, pointy …

“They’re like a plague all over the United States, and multiplying like rats” …

Hats optional …

“All I know is what my sister told me, and she lives in Arizona” …


Senator Jay Bulworth

Rich people have always stayed on top by dividing white people from colored people, but white people got more in common with colored people then they do with rich people.

We just gotta eliminate them.

White people, black people, brown people, yellow people, get rid of ’em all.

All we need is a voluntary, free spirited, open-ended program of procreative racial deconstruction.

Everybody just gotta keep fuckin’ everybody til they’re all the same color.



Given the recent outrage generated both here and in the United States by an allegedly racist television commercial for Kentucky Fried Chicken, the Australasian Melon Growers Association and Share Croppers Union have now scrapped plans for their own commercial after concerns were raised about its content.

Smelly Tongues has been fortunate enough to be the sole media outlet in possession of a copy of the commercial which we can now share with you …


Run away …

“What’s that, you say? … A nigger?”


My letter in today’s Sydney Morning Herald in response to this bullshit

Sam Watson (October 27, 2009) is correct. The very moment I saw this pack of biscuits called “Creole Creams”, I immediately thought of Josef Mengele, images of Auschwitz flooded my mind, and I shivered with outrage and righteous anger over what was obviously a deliberately conscious effort to divide a nation’s biscuit eaters on racial lines. The sooner Mr Watson can put his sterling efforts into addressing the major crimes that remain Coon Cheese and “dark” (nudge, nudge) chocolate, the safer this world will be for all of us.

And, over at Groupthink, “This Biscuit Will Gas Your Baby”


Now / then …


Then / now …
